Omni Rom güncelleme :
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Merged LA.UM.7.3.r1-06700-sdm845.0
Set animation speed to 0.8x
Added simple thermal configs by sultanxda.(thanks @JonasCardoso)
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* Linux kernel v3.18.133
* Add toggle torch proximity check
* Update SDM blobs from LA.UM.7.5.r1-03700-8x96.0
* Fix answering from home key
Syberia Güncelleme
Current build date: 01/26/2019
- Update SDM blobs from LA.UM.7.5.r1-03700-8x96.0
- Update fingerprint dot location
- Added FINE_LOCATION for Bluetooth scans
- Updated PrivacyGuard from Lineage
- Settings: Switch styles
- Settings: Ambient display music ticker
- Fixed right padding for time picker
- Fixed bluetooth scan op permission for AppOps
- Fixed disappearing home/recents button on navigation bar
after unlocking keygaurd
- Fixed alert slider toasts for custom actions
- Fixed nav- and statusbar black theme
- Fixed notification channel info text color
- Fixed Google sounds picker storage permissions
- Fixed animation issue when opening Messaging app
- Themes: Lock day night mode
- Various frameworks fixes and improvements
Download: check OTA or visit our Downloads Portal
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