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CHANGE LIST RevOS | 20.7.15
20.7.9 - All devices
Changes from RevOS:
New - Changed file manager to MIUI 12 officer
Fix - Improved and updated Spanish translation in apps that had errors / missing to translate
Optimized - Updated sound drivers on all devices
New - Tests are being carried out with new mods which are not available if it is not with a private application that we R&D members have, this application will become public in September and will provide access to new mods that we hope will be to your liking For all of you, a list of the mods added at the end of August will be provided as well as a short description, these mods can only be controlled and accessed from our "RevOS Settings" application that will be added to the ROM.
Changes from Xiaomi:
New - "Adjust media volume" permission (Mi Mix 2S)
New - LHDC V3 support (Snapdragon 845 devices)
Optimized -Android security patch updated to July 2020
Optimized - The title of the "Control Center" was replaced with the date and time
Fix - (SMS) Scrolling did not work properly on conversation screens
Fix - Settings were not visible in light mode while dark system-wide mode is on
Fix - "Split Screen" mode was not available in the second space browser
Fix - The "Dark Mode" setting was not available in the second space
Fix - The "Text Size and Font Weight" setting was not available in the second space
Fix - Double tap on the SMS message to enlarge the text function did not work
Fix - Letter setting was incorrect for applications called one word
Fix - Application shortcuts were not available in the widget menu
Fix - Occasionally the notification bar could not be activated from the launcher
Fix - Full screen gestures did not work even after exiting Ultra battery saving mode
Fix - Super / Live / Video wallpapers were always applied to the lock screen when set only on the home screen
Fix - The scale and weight of the dynamic font were not applied in the dual applications