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İpucuAndroid One cihazlarda bootloader veri kaybı önleme
Evet dostlar malum bizim cihazlarda bootloader aç kapa da veri kaybı oluyor telefon kendini sıfırlıyor şimdi size bunun önüne geçmek için ipucu vereceğim
1# Telefon fastboot moda alıyoruz
2# fastboot modda iken cmd ye komudu yazıyoruz fakat enter yapmadan bekleyin
(Fastboot OEM unlock veya Fastboot OEM lock hangisini istiyorsanız)
3# şimdi ses kısma tuşuna basılı tutup enter diyoruz Telefon ekranı kapanıp bir anda tekrar fastboot mod belirecek
4# şimdi ses kısma tuşunu bırakıp fastboot reboot yazıyoruz.
5# sorunsuz veri kaybı yok
Not: Bu sayede veri kaybı olmadan magisk root atıp camera api2 etkinleştirme yapabilirsiniz sonra da güncelleme almak için geri root kaldırıp bootloader kilitlersiniz.
update <filename> Reflash device from update.zip.
Sets the flashed slot as active.
flashall Flash boot, system, vendor, and --
if found -- recovery. If the device
supports slots, the slot that has
been flashed to is set as active.
Secondary images may be flashed to
an inactive slot.
flash <partition> [ <filename> ] Write a file to a flash partition.
flashing lock Locks the device. Prevents flashing.
flashing unlock Unlocks the device. Allows flashing
any partition except
bootloader-related partitions.
flashing lock_critical Prevents flashing bootloader-related
flashing unlock_critical Enables flashing bootloader-related
flashing get_unlock_ability Queries bootloader to see if the
device is unlocked.
flashing get_unlock_bootloader_nonce Queries the bootloader to get the
unlock nonce.
flashing unlock_bootloader <request> Issue unlock bootloader using request.
flashing lock_bootloader Locks the bootloader to prevent
bootloader version rollback.
erase <partition> Erase a flash partition.
format[:[<fs type>][:[<size>]] <partition>
Format a flash partition. Can
override the fs type and/or size
the bootloader reports.
getvar <variable> Display a bootloader variable.
set_active <slot> Sets the active slot. If slots are
not supported, this does nothing.
boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> [ <second> ] ] Download and boot kernel.
flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> [ <second> ] ]
Create bootimage and flash it.
devices [-l] List all connected devices [with
device paths].
continue Continue with autoboot.
reboot [bootloader] Reboot device [into bootloader].
reboot-bootloader Reboot device into bootloader.
help Show this help message.
-w Erase userdata and cache (and format
if supported by partition type).
-u Do not erase partition before
-s <specific device> Specify a device. For USB, provide either
a serial number or path to device port.
For ethernet, provide an address in the
form <protocol>:<hostname>[ort] where
<protocol> is either tcp or udp.
-p <product> Specify product name.
-c <cmdline> Override kernel commandline.
-i <vendor id> Specify a custom USB vendor id.
-b, --base <base_addr> Specify a custom kernel base
address (default: 0x10000000).
--kernel-offset Specify a custom kernel offset.
(default: 0x00008000)
--ramdisk-offset Specify a custom ramdisk offset.
(default: 0x01000000)
--tags-offset Specify a custom tags offset.
(default: 0x00000100)
-n, --page-size <page size> Specify the nand page size
(default: 2048).
-S <size>[K|M|G] Automatically sparse files greater
than 'size'. 0 to disable.
--slot <slot> Specify slot name to be used if the
device supports slots. All operations
on partitions that support slots will
be done on the slot specified.
'all' can be given to refer to all slots.
'other' can be given to refer to a
non-current slot. If this flag is not
used, slotted partitions will default
to the current active slot.
-a, --set-active[=<slot>] Sets the active slot. If no slot is
provided, this will default to the value
given by --slot. If slots are not
supported, this sets the current slot
to be active. This will run after all
non-reboot commands.
--skip-secondary Will not flash secondary slots when
performing a flashall or update. This
will preserve data on other slots.
--unbuffered Do not buffer input or output.
--version Display version.
-h, --help show this message.
Mesajlar otomatik olarak birleştirildi:
oem lock dedim kapatmak için bu yazılar geldi reboot diyince boatloader kapanmadı yardım edebilir misin lütfen ?
update <filename> Reflash device from update.zip.
Sets the flashed slot as active.
flashall Flash boot, system, vendor, and --
if found -- recovery. If the device
supports slots, the slot that has
been flashed to is set as active.
Secondary images may be flashed to
an inactive slot.
flash <partition> [ <filename> ] Write a file to a flash partition.
flashing lock Locks the device. Prevents flashing.
flashing unlock Unlocks the device. Allows flashing
any partition except
bootloader-related partitions.
flashing lock_critical Prevents flashing bootloader-related
flashing unlock_critical Enables flashing bootloader-related
flashing get_unlock_ability Queries bootloader to see if the
device is unlocked.
flashing get_unlock_bootloader_nonce Queries the bootloader to get the
unlock nonce.
flashing unlock_bootloader <request> Issue unlock bootloader using request.
flashing lock_bootloader Locks the bootloader to prevent
bootloader version rollback.
erase <partition> Erase a flash partition.
format[:[<fs type>][:[<size>]] <partition>
Format a flash partition. Can
override the fs type and/or size
the bootloader reports.
getvar <variable> Display a bootloader variable.
set_active <slot> Sets the active slot. If slots are
not supported, this does nothing.
boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> [ <second> ] ] Download and boot kernel.
flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> [ <second> ] ]
Create bootimage and flash it.
devices [-l] List all connected devices [with
device paths].
continue Continue with autoboot.
reboot [bootloader] Reboot device [into bootloader].
reboot-bootloader Reboot device into bootloader.
help Show this help message.
-w Erase userdata and cache (and format
if supported by partition type).
-u Do not erase partition before
-s <specific device> Specify a device. For USB, provide either
a serial number or path to device port.
For ethernet, provide an address in the
form <protocol>:<hostname>[ort] where
<protocol> is either tcp or udp.
-p <product> Specify product name.
-c <cmdline> Override kernel commandline.
-i <vendor id> Specify a custom USB vendor id.
-b, --base <base_addr> Specify a custom kernel base
address (default: 0x10000000).
--kernel-offset Specify a custom kernel offset.
(default: 0x00008000)
--ramdisk-offset Specify a custom ramdisk offset.
(default: 0x01000000)
--tags-offset Specify a custom tags offset.
(default: 0x00000100)
-n, --page-size <page size> Specify the nand page size
(default: 2048).
-S <size>[K|M|G] Automatically sparse files greater
than 'size'. 0 to disable.
--slot <slot> Specify slot name to be used if the
device supports slots. All operations
on partitions that support slots will
be done on the slot specified.
'all' can be given to refer to all slots.
'other' can be given to refer to a
non-current slot. If this flag is not
used, slotted partitions will default
to the current active slot.
-a, --set-active[=<slot>] Sets the active slot. If no slot is
provided, this will default to the value
given by --slot. If slots are not
supported, this sets the current slot
to be active. This will run after all
non-reboot commands.
--skip-secondary Will not flash secondary slots when
performing a flashall or update. This
will preserve data on other slots.
--unbuffered Do not buffer input or output.
--version Display version.
-h, --help show this message.
Mesajlar otomatik olarak birleştirildi:
oem lock dedim kapatmak için bu yazılar geldi reboot diyince boatloader kapanmadı yardım edebilir misin lütfen ?
Cihaz rootlu ise ondan da yapabilir. Önce magiski kaldırın (varsa) ardından bootloader kilidini kapatın. Başka aklıma gelmiyor. Bende defalarca açıp kapattım bootloader kilidini ama dediğiniz hatayı sadece custom romdayken kapatmaya çalışınca aldım. Tekrar açınca sorun düzeldi. Custom romda bootloader kilidi açık kullanmak gerekiyor.
Cihaz rootlu ise ondan da yapabilir. Önce magiski kaldırın (varsa) ardından bootloader kilidini kapatın. Başka aklıma gelmiyor. Bende defalarca açıp kapattım bootloader kilidini ama dediğiniz hatayı sadece custom romdayken kapatmaya çalışınca aldım. Tekrar açınca sorun düzeldi. Custom romda bootloader kilidi açık kullanmak gerekiyor.
A şey magisk telefonda yüklü ve ek kurulum da yaptım ben ve şu anda kaldıramıyorum magiski ondan yapabilir mieğer yaparsa nasıl kaldırabilirim ek kurukum yapılmış magiski
A şey magisk telefonda yüklü ve ek kurulum da yaptım ben ve şu anda kaldıramıyorum magiski ondan yapabilir mieğer yaparsa nasıl kaldırabilirim ek kurukum yapılmış magiski